What Role Does Media Play?

Lindsey Erickson
2 min readAug 27, 2020

Media plays a very important role in our society. It provides people with information on politics, religion, fashion, and a multitude of other topics. It also helps shape people’s perspectives and opinions on relevant topics.

One example of this is incredibly relevant, and it is the fast approaching presidential election. People are looking to various media outlets to better understand each candidate, and are seeking information and guidance from the news. More than ever, it is important that media outlets offer reliable information to enable voters to choose the candidate that best aligns with their morals and viewpoints.

Media also helps to create a connection between millions of different people across the country. For example, while protests over George Floyd’s death in May started in Minneapolis, protests began to occur throughout the country when people saw what was happening on the news. They were inspired to take the same call to action, and eventually, protests erupted in every state and were continually covered by the media.

The media also effects the public, because investigative journalism brings to light many issues that people should know about. Whether this be a politician’s corrupt actions, or a social justice issue that needs attention, media helps decide what issues should be discussed and evaluated by the public.

In the field I aspire to work in, communication looks like informing people of the work that non-profit organizations are doing. It involves using journalism to educate first world citizens of the issues going on in third world countries, and how specific organizations are fighting these issues. This enables non-profits to receive the funding that they need to continue their work.



Lindsey Erickson

Student at Liberty University, all writings are done as assignments for my Journalism course.